The EPA’s War on Home Appliances

Are you disappointed in every shower head that you purchase? Does your toilet have trouble flushing? Have you noticed that your dishes are still dirty after the dishwasher cycle…

America Must Establish a Stable Legal Order

A Predictable and Stable Legal Order A government with moral and legal authority promulgates written rules and universally, impartially and uniformly enforces the rules providing a predictable and stable legal…

Fracking Double Speak

Environmentalists have demonized hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’) from New York to California; one would think that the process which extracts natural gas from underground shale formations morphs water sources into toxic…

Regulating the Hope Out of Natural Gas

Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, seems to be a new American energy solution, or problem, depending on one’s view. Various parties, from environmentalists to businesses are heralding natural gas as the…

Do I spot a chink in the Armor?

Do I spot a chink in the Armor?  We Tea Partiers can only hope so.  Project 21 and FreedomWorks Fellow Deneen Borelli recently wrote a hard-hitting, accurate piece of anaylsis…