H.R. 1319: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

This bill would spend another $1.9 trillion on top of the over $4 trillion that Congress already allocated for COVID-19 relief in 2020. In addition to the fact that much…

H.R. 1319: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

This bill would spend another $1.9 trillion on top of the over $4 trillion that Congress already allocated for COVID-19 relief in 2020. In addition to the fact that much…

H.R. 1: For the People Act

More appropriately titled the “For the Politicians” Act, H.R. 1 would have profoundly negative implications for the Constitution, free speech, and how states run elections. The rhetoric that congressional Democrats…

President Biden’s Partisan Budget Resolution

Budget reconciliation is a special, fast-track legislative process tied to a budget resolution that instructs specific committees to produce legislation tied directly to revenues, direct outlays, and/or the statutory limit…

H.R. 9051: CASH Act of 2020

The CASH Act would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the direct payments included in the COVID-19 relief provisions of the recently passed Consolidated Appropriations Act from…