Hey Coal Country – We Tried to Warn You

On the eve of Election Day, 2012, I wrote:Lurking quietly in the shadows, behind a wall of political rhetoric and campaign season hype, is a post-election surprise that could…

Putting the Reins on Regulatory Authority

Over the past decade or so, there has been significant growth in the powers delegated to the unelected heads of regulatory agencies, colloquially known as “czars.” At last count, the…

EPA’s Attempt to Regulate the Rain Washes Away

In the process of regulating everything under the sun, (literally) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently made a bold grab at regulating everything from the clouds as well. More specifically,…

New EPA Mandated Ethanol Fuel Harms Vehicles

The EPA's latest biofuel initiative may cause substantial damage to vehicles, but why let the effects of bad policy get in the way of  implementing unnecessary, burdensome policy? …

The EPA’s War on Home Appliances

Are you disappointed in every shower head that you purchase? Does your toilet have trouble flushing? Have you noticed that your dishes are still dirty after the dishwasher cycle…