Help Rand Paul Stop the EPA

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has introduced a “Resolution of Disapproval” to stop the EPA’s Air Transport Rule, the Cross State Air Pollution Rule, which is one of the most expensive…

Matt Kibbe: Sam Adams vs. Van Jones

What do the original community organizer for freedom and President Obama’s former Green Jobs Czar have in common? Very little, it turns out.

EPA attacks on the States

Under a new plan from the Environment Protection Agency, States could face up to $90 billion in costs. The new EPA National Health Based Standards for Ozone would take the…

The Train Wreck at the Obama EPA

With the “deadline” to reach a debt ceiling compromise fast approaching, the debt crisis is on the forefront of everyone’s mind.

End of the Line

Behind the scenes, while Washington and the United States focus on the debt crisis, President Obama’s EPA has been quietly implementing one of the most radical and costly policies of…