Counter Protest in Greensboro, NC

Today, more than 55 people showed up to counter protest a health care rally sponsored by Great job guys! And thanks for the pictures!…

Reading Between the Health Care Spin

Confused by all the soundbites flying around the Hill on health care?  Worry no longer.  Writing at the Wall Street Journal George Newman succinctly (and simply) takes apart the…

How Much is $1.6 Trillion?

Dr. Evil once held the world hostage for a staggering one hundred billion dollars.  This time Dr. Evil’s demands have been eclipsed by the Obama Administration (instead of Austin Powers),…

When It Rains, It Pours on ObamaCare

As public and political opposition mounts, FreedomWorks has compiled a list of relevant articles and videos in the fight against government-run healthcare. Fight on and enjoy!    Sen. Coburn (R, OK),…