FreedomWorks at the PA YAL Conference

On March 14th, FreedomWorks partnered with Young Americans for Liberty for the Pennsylvania YAL Conference at Pittsburgh’s Duquesne University. The conference offered almost 100 young Americans a one-day training and…

Teenage Dreams, Meet Post-Obama America

Kids these days.If they’re not playing World of Minecraft on a WiiTV, they’re blasting that crazy hippity hop “music” on their iSurface pads. Why that Bieber-Eyed Gagas band gives me…

RNC- You’re Doing it Wrong

On Monday, the RNC released a 100 page “autopsy” on the 2012 election. Despite the fact that hardly anyone, especially young people, are going to actually sit…

Youth Hit Hard By Obamacare Law

In 2008, the under thirty crowd overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama and in 2012 they doubled down on their allegiance to him, with over…

Where is the Youth Vote Going?

With Election Day just a little over a month away, partisan bickering is at an all-time high, along with unemployment, inflation, class warfare and our unsustainable debt. Just…