Is Wind Energy Worth the Green?

Since environmental issues are becoming increasingly salient in the political arena, the subject of alternative energy subsidies warrants some attention. Currently, Congress is deciding whether or not to extend the…

GE’s Crony Capitalism: The Saga Continues

The other week, I blogged here about G.E.'s crony capitalism tactics that take advantage of tax code loopholes and other special treatment for big corporations by big government.  FreedomWorks…

GE Cronies Cuddle Up to Tax Code

Business Week does a great job of outlining GE's tax code shenanigans. In sum, the company has laid out big money to powerful DC lobbyists to take advantage of…

It Came From the EPA

Scott Brown's election may have halted the specter of cap and trade for now, but that doesn't mean the Administration is stepping back from energy regulation any day soon.  The…