Udall Gets Religion

Colorado Congressman Mark Udall has apparently seen the light of elections and  reversed his opposition to off shore drilling, The Denver Post has the story. Battered on…

New Jersey Voters Favor Drilling

Here’s an interesting article from the Philadelphia Inquirer about oil off the New Jersey shore.  The article talks about the new technology we have to pinpoint oil, making…

Wednesday Floor Update

FreedomWorks popped in to hear the speeches that are still going on over on the House floor today, the dogged determination to see this issue through is amazing.  Here's what…

A Gas Price Story from Outside the Bubble

It's easy to forget how real people live and what they care about outside the DC bubble - this is such an unnatural city, growing up around government and not…

Gas Price Protest Protest

On Tuesday FreedomWorks joined with area allies to counter MoveOn's demonstration for an "Oil-Free Presidency." Try Economy-Free.

Floor Roundup

Quick hits from the House floor this morning: Rep. Tom Price (GA) emceed the event, introducing new speakers.  Apparently the revolt was the brainchild of he and Rep. Mike Pence…

Republicans Demand an Energy Vote

House Republicans kept up the drumbbeat for lower gas prices as speeched continued on the House floor in defiance of the August recess. 23 legislators took to the floor as…

Read the website: No new energy taxes

NTU really hits the nail on the head with their new project: www.nonewenergytaxes.com. That really sums up so much of the gas prices, cap-and-trade,…