Protesting By Candlelight

With less than a week of planning, on a bitterly cold December night, just hours before a Christmas Eve vote, some 40 diehard activists made their way, candles and signs…

Health Care Battle: What Can I Do This Week?

Even though Congress isn't in town this week, and many people using these normally carefree days between Christmas and New Year's to spend time with family and recharge batteries for…

Code Red Rally Pictures

FreedomWorks joined with thousands of others yesterday to protest the government takeover of healthcare.  Starting in the morning, many groups tried to get a face-to-face visit with their Senator after…

Health Care Rally Photos

When it was announced on Thursday that the Senate would be taking a vote to proceed with health care legislation on Saturday, a number of groups in Virginia sprang into…

Health Care Freedom for Virginia?

The Campaign for Liberty has stepped to the plate big time in Virginia, getting out ahead of the feds and finding a sponsor for the Virginia Health Care…